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About Bollywood Artist Card

About us artist card

An film city union card is a gateway to Bollywood film industry. In Chennai, and also places like Mumbai the heart of Bollywood, this is a mandatory thing. The cost of an artist card is 2000 and it can be of two types: one is for junior artists and the other one is for senior artists. These cards are registered by authentic companies like Filmcity Cine T.V. Artist & Workers Sangh I (Regd.)


Why Do You Need Artist Card:


Primarily artist card is needed as it offers a protection to an artist’s main needs like payments, working hours and so on. When a large production house requires a huge number of junior artists, the authentic organizations produce these cards. Let’s take a note of the other reasons behind getting an artist card:

This card may be useful in particular for junior artists who do not have any professional training or who are devoid of any ambition to be the ‘super star’ in near future. Generally they don’t have dialogues or one or two perhaps. They may come from a community which sees acting as just a job to earn daily bread n butter rather than an actual art.

You can appeal to the union if you are a registered junior artist with an artist card in case the casting directors ask you to do overtime without any valid overtime.

An actor with artist card and professionally trained may get better chance compared to an artist with union card holder.

 It acts as a positive catalyst to fasten your progress.

How Can I Get Artist Card?

Let’s take a look at the process:

If they ask you to pay more than Rs. 2000 they are most likely to be cheaters.

Below is the Step by Step Process to Get Film city union Card in India

For actors and everyone who is interested in working into the glamorous indsutry, here we are explaining the correct way to get an film city union Card. The catchy world of art and media is no doubt a dreamy world to be in. It’s like the wonderful world of fairy tale books, but however that is not it. No matter how eye catchy the world seems to be from outside, it is very difficult to actually get into it, not to mention one needs to be extremely lucky and talented at the same time. Every person who wants to be in Bollywood or struggling hard to get a chance needs to have  artist card.  From just a daily wage earner or laborer or junior artist to a groundbreaking Bollywood actor, no matter what kind of job you want from the Cine industry, you need to have an film city union card for safeguarding your security.

There are some documents that you will be required which are:

3 copy passport size photographs

Copy of any one of these-Aadhar Card ,Pan Card, Ration Card, Driving License, Residential Proof, Voter ID Card,passport , Mark sheet ,Date of birth certificate.etc

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